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Service products

AU$ 5 / month or AU$ 55 / 1 year
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Product Description

Commoditisation of services and more diverse types of products

In addition to physical goods, more and more businesses involve service type products, which are non-physical and require manual or equipment assistance and a certain amount of time for the customer to complete the experience, for industries such as the beauty industry or training institutions.

Add hours and set schedules more intelligently

The main difference between service type items and regular items is the need to add the length of the service. If the merchant adds a calendar application to their back office, they will be able to see the daily service order schedule more visually.

Linked data for greater customer choice

Service products are often associated with data such as technicians or merchant staff, as they are required to actually perform a service to provide a customer experience, and customers support themselves in selecting staff who are familiar with them or whose schedules are available.


ABN 14 630 525 709

Address:Level 12/ 41 Exhibition Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000